Chemistry is one of the most interesting subjects if you get the hang of it. From how an egg changes when you fry it to how a car helps you reach your destination when you add petrol to it, everything is about chemistry. Unfortunately, not all students excel in Chemistry, and some have to work really hard to get good marks in the subjects. Of course, a higher score ensures you get a better chance of getting admission to the college of your choice. In this article, you get to know some of the success tips that will help you to understand the tactics of how to study chemistry class 12 in the CBSE Board.

Most of the chemistry topics can be learned in the lab. So, you should never skip any laboratory experiment as it leads to a better understanding of how things happen and why. One example is Chatelier’s principle of equilibrium for reversible reactions. When you read the theory, it may sound boring, but when you see it for real in the lab, it’s highly likely that you will remember it.

Attending all the classes at school or your tuition center is the start of your success. The next right start is consistency in completing the homework by yourself and on time. When you understand the basic concepts from the beginning, you would understand tough concepts later on with ease too.

It is also advised that you read only one chapter at a time, understand it completely and then move onto the next chapter. If you try to understand too many chapters at once, you may not understand them, or you may not retain what you understood for long.

If you feel that you are not good in chemistry as compared to your other subjects, you might want to seek additional help. You can either start buying a reference book to get a deeper understanding of the topics. Or you can hire a chemistry tutor online to lend you a hand.

In case you can’t get the hang of a topic, try to understand why you can’t learn it. Make a list of terms you cannot grasp and the questions that need to be answered and request a schoolmate, a teacher, or enroll in an online chemistry tuition to help you with the answers.

You should realize that mathematical problems often help in understanding a concept better, and when you add them to your answers, you will get good results. Also, experts advise you to practice each important formula at least a couple of times before the exams.

We know that you have been waiting for this one. Yes, a few topics need attention and importance. They cannot be skipped. Some of them are Electrochemistry, Polymer, Chemical Kinetics, Biomolecules, and chemistry in everyday life.

If you think that you have understood all the parts of the subject, you should start testing yourself. Timed papers by the CBSE board can help you with self-testing. Test yourself with one paper every week and modify your revision schedule accordingly.

Our last piece of advice is that you should revise the entire Class 12 chemistry syllabus as much as possible. Do make your notes with your abbreviations of concepts. So that you can fit in an entire chapter on one page. It is also crucial to revise everything the morning of the exam to ensure that your retention is high.

No matter whether you like Chemistry or you can’t understand it easily, you need to get good marks in the subject in your final board examination. We hope that you will use the above tips to effectively study chemistry class 12 (CBSE Board). Good Luck!

Check out our final hacks to score higher in the CBSE Chemistry Board exam! 

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